Dealing With Anxiety

I have struggled with anxiety for pretty much as long as I can remember. However it really only became a big problem around 3 years ago when it became so uncontrolled that it affected my every day life, and it really just took over. From that time to now I have discovered some tips to lessening anxiety, and dealing with the overwhelming feelings that it can bring.


1. Sleep
I cannot even stress how important it is to get enough sleep. When you feel tired and fatigued it just makes it so much more difficult to deal with those anxious thoughts. Our bodies also need that time to rest and recover so make sure you are getting at least 7-8 hours per night

2. Nourish Your Body
Make sure that you are treating your body with kindness and giving it the right fuel it needs to thrive and get through the day. Often when people are anxious they can have a tendency to eat little amounts, or eat large amounts, which can leave them feeling worse than what they started with. Treat your body with the kindness and respect it deserves.

3. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine
This is a hard one for me, especially being a barista and needing to drink coffee as part of my job. On my days off, I try to stick to herbal tea, and when I’m working I just make sure I limit my caffeine consumption. I’m also not saying to never go out drinking with your friends, because being social is incredibly important too! Just drink responsibly, and take it easy.

4. Talk it Out
It’s essential to talk about your anxieties. There is no use in bottling it up until it becomes completely unbearable. There is no shame in seeking professional help from a counsellor or psychologist, or even just talking to a friend or family member can be great. Speak up – you’ll feel better for it.

5. Exercise Daily
It doesn’t have to be much, or for long, but just make sure you get outside and get some sunshine and fresh air. Pop in your headphones and just enjoy feeling your body move.

6. Quiet Time
Getting this quiet time can come in many different forms, so find one that works for you! Personally I start every morning off with some yoga and meditation, which I find just really starts my day off right. I also love to take a bath with a nice bath bomb and candle lit, reading, journalling, whatever it is you love doing, do it!

7. Breathe
Slow down. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.
If you find yourself getting overwhelmed, just spend some time focusing on your breath – you’ll be amazed and how calming it can be.


So these are just some coping mechanisms that I have discovered over the years. I hope they can help some of you if you are struggling with anxiety or know someone who is.

Love and light,
Shannon. Xx.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Great tips! Thanks for sharing.


  2. These are all awesome tips! Sleep is a really important tip and often gets overlooked. Mental health goes extra haywire without enough sleep. But each one of those tips is helpful. I often hear not to drink caffeine if you have anxiety, but I still drink a cup of coffee in the morning. I love it too much. I just try not to go overboard with it. Cheers!


  3. Lia says:

    I just came across your blog and I realise that you are so similar to me! Haha these are some great tips thanks ❤


    1. Aww thanks love 🙂 I hope they can help!

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